GCSEN Big Ideas 2021-2031 Sponsor Opportunities

GCSEN Big Ideas Proposal: Build a better democratic capitalist society.
Mission: To enable people to create meaningful change in their lives and their careers. We do this by inspiring, teaching and supporting social venture founders and their teams. We help them to discover and leverage their passion and purpose, resulting in enduring impact that moves the world to a better place.
Definition of a Social Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur whose purpose is to create a 4P Impact (People, Profit, Planet, and Place)
2031 Cumulative Vision:
Inspire: Generate 100M Positive Media Messages/Impressions
Teach: Certify 100,000 4P Social Entrepreneurs at the Higher Ed/Adult Learner Level
Support: 10,000 Certified Social Ventures launched and supported
Capacity Building Goals:
2022: $2.5M annual operating budget to fund a team of 17 full/part time staff
2024: $5M annual operating budget to fund a team of 33 full/part time staff
2031: $10M annual operating budget to fund a team of 66 full/part time staff
Strategic Curriculum Priorities
I. Teaching & Learning: Certification and Coaching programs as outlined below:
1. Social Venture Experience (SVE) - virtual, scalable program with 1:1 coaching for adults aspiring to or in the process of formulating and launching a social venture. One prospective strategic marketing partner is Rutgers University that annually markets courses to 5,000 fee-based adults through their Continuing Education program. Learning Outcome = Certified Social Entrepreneur.
2. Certified Social Venture (CSV) - a badged certification program for existing small businesses to develop and execute a strategy to transform from a traditional profit driven business to a 4P social venture with intentional focus on People, Profit, Planet and Place Impact. Learning Outcome = Certified Social Venture.
3. Social Venture Internship (SVI) - GCSEN’s core social entrepreneurship curriculum delivered to college students through campus partners in the form of intensive one to two week or 3 week in-person or virtual social venture boot camps, traditional for-credit courses, and online with 1:1 coaching. Learning Outcome = Certified Social Entrepreneur.
4. THEOS Alumni Support - provides ongoing “lifetime” support for social entrepreneurs having completed the SVE, CSV, or SVI programs above. Learning Outcome = an active community of supported social entrepreneurs.
5. Social Venture Research Institute - Faculty/ Administrator Certification. SVRI Fellowship includes: Certified Social Venture Coaches to support SVE, CSV, SVI coaching requirements and expand GCSEN U Certified Faculty user network.
6. GCSEN University, MA, PhD Program - builds the field of social entrepreneurship through development, testing and deployment of social entrepreneurship curriculum and courses. Outcome: Offer a complete slate of social entrepreneurship courses, content sharing and community building with MA/PhD track in 1⁄3 cost and 1⁄3 time.
II. Strategic Venture Development Programs for GCSEN THEOS (Together Help Each Other Succeed) Alumni Program Graduates:
THEOS Alumni support includes a highly competitive and selective path outlined below:
Evergreen Accelerator - a Water Solutions accelerator based on the licensed and proven program of gener8tor, a top 15 nationally ranked business acceleration with University of Wisconsin at Madison. Outcome: Establish a certified and financed portfolio of Water Solution startups as Certified Social Ventures, funded by investors and sponsors and the Hudson Valley as an internationally recognized Water Solutions Hub.
Evergreen Incubator - a longer-term one to two-year residency with access to the Evergreen Fab Lab (MIT Licensed) and coaching, and program to bridge to production manufacturing, through our manufacturing parter, Fala Technologies, a top US prototype manufacturing company. Outcome: higher success rate of social ventures, especially those with manufactured products.
Evergreen Fab Lab - designed to be a leading-edge maker space with over $3M in facilities and equipment, and will be certified by Fab Foundation, spun out of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. Outcome: Certified Fab Lab accessible by social ventures in other GCSEN programs outlined above.
Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship Network Foundation (www.GCSEN.com)
430 Old Neighborhood Rd, Kingston, NY 12401 | Phone 212-444-2071 | Email: mike@gcsen.com |