Taking it Global!

In 2022, GCSEN launched a ground-breaking new program for residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands: GCSEN CARIBBE. Adult learners from UVI CELL (University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning) were able to virtually attend our class, SE101: Social Entrepreneurship Fundamentals. Beginning in August 2022, 16 students, 11 from UVI CELL, and 5 who are incarcerated, soon to be paroled, at USVI Bureau of Corrections, John A. Bell Correctional Facility, attended monthly accredited MBA-level classes with Professors Mike Caslin, Shawn Smith, and Tony Di Marco.
The class used GCSEN’s online learning courses combined with monthly group coaching and in-person 1:1 coaching. At graduation, each student was presented with GCSEN’s Get to Wow! Book. This guides students further through the basics of developing a 4P Social Venture that benefits People, Planet, Profit, and Place. Many of the learners in the class are already entrepreneurs, some having started more than 3 businesses so far in their lives!
Learn about our other International Program, in Ireland, here.