GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook aired by CBS in 30 Cities on Veteran’s Day!

GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook aired by CBS in 30 Cities on Veteran’s Day!

On November 11th, this past Veteran’s Day, local CBS stations across the nation aired our TV show, Veteran’s Playbook, to honor the vets who’ve risked their lives for America, by showing examples of real-life heroes who’ve gone on to start ventures that uplift their communities. At the same time, GCSEN President Professor Mike Caslin joined staff and volunteers to serve a dinner for Baltimore area homeless veterans through its host The Baltimore Station (70 Veterans in Residence) and New Profit Community Action Social Entrepreneurs and Donor volunteers from The Well. 

In 30 U.S. Cities, viewers tuned in to see our Season 1 inspiring stories on their local TV networks!  GCSEN to move from inspiration to creative action, GCSEN has created its National Center for Veteran Ventures to inspire, teach and support Veterans and their families.

GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook inspires Active Duty, Veterans and Military Families with a vision to reach, teach and long term serve those from a population of over 30 million across the USA in the decades to come.  

From the success of the show, we have begun in 2024 focused Veteran Venture programs in GCSEN USA with Paul Smith College (15) and Sgt. AJ Beaudoin, US ARMY Paratrooper, Fort Drum and his Battlefish Charters, LLC as well as GCSEN Caribbe with the University of Virgin Island- Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (5). 


p.s. Check out the CBS schedule! That's a lot of Veterans!

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