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  • mount croagh patrick

    GCSEN Ireland

    See what GCSEN is doing in the West of Ireland.

  • aerial view of the Virgin Islands

    GCSEN Caribbe

    Find out more about our Virgin Islands programs.


    GCSEN USA has a strong focus on Veterans' programs.


GCSEN Celebrates 10 Years of 4P Social Entrepreneurship!

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  • Mike Caslin Inspires Educators at European Union-Funded Social Intrapreneurship Project

    Mike Caslin Inspires Educators at European Unio...

      GCSEN Ireland CEO Mike Caslin Inspires Educators at European Union-Funded Social Intrapreneurship Project by John Coughlan Dublin, Ireland – October 2024 – GCSEN Ireland recently participated in an impactful...

    Mike Caslin Inspires Educators at European Unio...

      GCSEN Ireland CEO Mike Caslin Inspires Educators at European Union-Funded Social Intrapreneurship Project by John Coughlan Dublin, Ireland – October 2024 – GCSEN Ireland recently participated in an impactful...

  • GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook aired by CBS in 30 Cities on Veteran’s Day!

    GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook aired by CBS in 30 Ci...

    On November 11th, this past Veteran’s Day, local CBS stations across the nation aired our TV show, Veteran’s Playbook, to honor the vets who’ve risked their lives for America, by...

    GCSEN’s Veterans Playbook aired by CBS in 30 Ci...

    On November 11th, this past Veteran’s Day, local CBS stations across the nation aired our TV show, Veteran’s Playbook, to honor the vets who’ve risked their lives for America, by...

  • Empowering Veterans Through Battle Fish University at Paul Smith's College

    Empowering Veterans Through Battle Fish Univers...

    GCSEN’s NCVV (National Center for Veteran Ventures) and Battle Fish Charters sponsored an extraordinary three-day, accredited certification program with Paul Smith's College in the Adirondack Mountains. The program, called Battle...

    Empowering Veterans Through Battle Fish Univers...

    GCSEN’s NCVV (National Center for Veteran Ventures) and Battle Fish Charters sponsored an extraordinary three-day, accredited certification program with Paul Smith's College in the Adirondack Mountains. The program, called Battle...

  • Carolyn Bechtel

    Introducing Veteran's Playbook Executive Produc...

    GCSEN Foundation and Veteran's Playbook are pleased to introduce our newest Executive Producer, Carolyn Bechtel!  Born in Palo Alto, California and growing up in the inspiring environment of Stanford University and Silicon...

    Introducing Veteran's Playbook Executive Produc...

    GCSEN Foundation and Veteran's Playbook are pleased to introduce our newest Executive Producer, Carolyn Bechtel!  Born in Palo Alto, California and growing up in the inspiring environment of Stanford University and Silicon...

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  • “I am pleased to congratulate [Mike Caslin] on your selection for a Fulbright award to Ireland. Our presidentially appointed 12-member board is responsible for supervising the Fulbright Program Worldwide and approving the selection of all Fulbright Recipients. Your grant is a reflection of your leadership and contributions to society… through funds appropriated by the U.S. Congress and partner countries and host institutions… and is devoted to increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries...As a grantee, you will join the ranks of many distinguished program participants. Fulbright alumni have become heads of states, judges, ambassadors, cabinet ministers, CEO’s and university presidents as well as leading journalists, artists, scientists, and teachers.” – Paul Winfree, Chair, The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

  • “The students that are interested in social entrepreneurism are really the ones that are more outside the box thinkers. Mike Caslin course has taken them from start-up to scale in just one semester, and they're ready to compete in the marketplace.”

    – Ms. Kristin Backhaus, Dean of the SUNY New Paltz Business School

  • "We are thrilled to partner with GCSEN on the SVI initiative at a time when we are assessing student appetite and building campus support for social entrepreneurship. We know students are hungry for experiences like this, that give them the tools, time, and support for their entrepreneurial ideas."

    – Ms. Stacy Bingham, Director of Career Development, Vassar College; President & Executive Chair, Liberal Arts Career Network

  • GCSEN logo with globe outline

    Read more of what educators, students, and thought leaders have to say about GCSEN.

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